Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Today I will talk about my personal experience of using blogs as a tool to learn English.
I think it is a great way to learn this language, because it help me to develop the skill of write my thoughts in english and I think that this is a very fun way to learn. However, I feel that my ability of writing in this language correctly it doesn't developed well because I still have problems with the conjugation of the verbs and with the use of the auxiliarys, but nothing that with a little of more practice can solve.
I don't know what I would like to include in this class in the future, because I feel that it is a very complete course, maybe the use of more guides with activities it could help me to learn more easily, but in general I think that the course was very fun, because the teacher always was concerned of cheer up us and do of the class something more fun, but maybe for the time (going to an english class a wednesday in the afternoon it doesn't help to do of the class something agreeable) we doesn't were to enthusiastics on learn.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Well, today I have to talk about why I am studying my career, anthropology. I have to admit that take this decision and choose anthropology over all the careers was very difficult to me because I wanted to study a lot of different professions, but not too different from each other, I always loved the social sciences so between my options were law and psychology, but finally I decided for anthropology, because I realize  that this career cover many different disciplines. Besides, I loved the idea of finding different types of materials wich later I could give them a meaning in the history.
I think the work of anthropologists in the society is very important because they can prove that all the different cultures are equally important, so we have to valorate all the different ethnic groups as well as value the patrimony and the heritage of our ancestors. 
My favourite subject is archaeology, although until the moment we only have seen an introduction of this discipline, I love how we can know to many things abouth a culture with a minimum of rest, like with a tiny pollen grains we can date a huge archaeological site. Anthropology I is my other favorite subject, I enjoy very much to read the ethnographys and the texts for the class.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Today I will talk about the relevance of the three Rs. To be honest, I only know what I learn in my school about recycling, wich is very basic, so I think that I have to learn a lot of more about this topic, because is very important that we take care our planet and if we think, is a task very easy to do, because with little actions we can do a lot for the earth. We can start of using just one bag for our shops reduce the time we take for our showers or turn off the lights that we are not using. Also, we can help the environment using the bycicle or walking to the places, because this isn't benefit only the planet, also is good for our health. So if you think, doing not much we can help the whole planet and the all beings that live in it. 

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Today, I have to talk about something that I would like to learn. I can't think in just one thing, because I will love to learn so many things that I don't know where start. 
First of all, I will like to learn, obviously, all about my career anthropology and things in relantionship with that. Besides, I will like to learn english, because I would love to travel to differents countries and I think that english it will help me to interact with the other people. Also the mostly of the most recent works of the all different fields, are write in this language.
But thinking in staff that I would like to learn like a hobbie, learn pastry making is something that I always wanted to do and no only because I love the sweets and chocolates, is because I love the dedication that it takes to make a little cake in a beautiful piece of art, maybe I watch to much cake boss, but I would love to learn to do cakes like him. 
Also, I would like to learn how to draw and paint with oil painting. I think this is a very good way for relaxing and let your imagination flow. 

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Today, I have to talk about a place that I like to go to eat. So, I will talk about a place that I recently visit, is called "Johnny Rockets" and it is inspired in a restaurant of the 50'. It's like a traditional restaurant of fast food of the movies, as shown in Grease (when Sandy go out with Danny) or in Pulp fiction (is like the place of the famous scene when Vincent and Mia compete in a dance competition), and in a corner, they have a jukebox with a long variety of music.
The people who work in there are very nice and friendly, every time that it came a new customer, they received them with a starling hola! and chao! when someone gone and give you their own recommendation of the food.
It's located in the food court of the Costanera Center and I think that is does not take long open. 
Their specialty is the big hamburgers, they have a long variety of they, but when I go, I ordered a shake, they are famous for them, and it was very delicious, just a little expensive, but it was worth it.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

For my presentation of the next week, I could talk abou something about my career, but I can talk about so much things that I decided to talk about something totally different and whit no relation. I will talk about a really important person that devote his life to change the history of his country, I'm talking about Nelson Mandela, he was a revolutionary politician.
The main reason for why I choose this person is because I admire him for all his life's work and I admire how he was loyal to his throughs, in spite of the consequenses that it brought to him (like spend 27 years on prison). In despite of that, he carry on with his throughs and never give up.
Talking about the presentation, I think is relevant to talk about some aspect of his life (how was the enviroment of his childhood) and his studies and political life, to try to understand why he acted the way that he do, why he is so relevant for the history of Africa and why he become in a relevant figure to the world peace (not for nothing he won the nobel peace). 
So, I hope you like this person, who dedicated his life to do what he though was the best for the comunity in where he lived.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014


Ambitions are very important for your life, because they help you to focus in achieve what you really want in your life. In my case, I have a lot of ambitions, like travel to different countries, learn a new language (English is an a good option) or read a lot of books (like Anna Karenina, that I started to read but I never end), but most importantly I would like to graduate of university like an anthropologist.
I think that get my degree in anthropology is my most important ambition at the moment, because my previous ambition it was getting in the Universidad de Chile in the career that I want.
My family (in especially my mother and my aunt) was who inspired me to have this kind of ambition in my life, because they for a many different reasons, don't have the possibility to get superior studies, so they are very proud of that I can and I don't want to dissapoint them. 
Fulfill this ambition it will mean to me become in what I really want (an anthropologist) and, in the future, it will give a lot of new ambitions achieve.