Today I will talk about my personal experience of using blogs as a tool to learn English.
I think it is a great way to learn this language, because it help me to develop the skill of write my thoughts in english and I think that this is a very fun way to learn. However, I feel that my ability of writing in this language correctly it doesn't developed well because I still have problems with the conjugation of the verbs and with the use of the auxiliarys, but nothing that with a little of more practice can solve.
I don't know what I would like to include in this class in the future, because I feel that it is a very complete course, maybe the use of more guides with activities it could help me to learn more easily, but in general I think that the course was very fun, because the teacher always was concerned of cheer up us and do of the class something more fun, but maybe for the time (going to an english class a wednesday in the afternoon it doesn't help to do of the class something agreeable) we doesn't were to enthusiastics on learn.